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Hong Kong Legal Week

Hong Kong Legal Week
Ready to embark on a voyage filled with stimulating discussions, key updates and invaluable sharing on hot topics relating to international legal cooperation and dispute resolution? This year’s Hong Kong Legal Week, the annual flagship event of the Department of Justice, will be held from 7 to 11 November 2022 in celebration of HKSAR 25th Anniversary. Prominent experts, practitioners, government officials, academics and diverse sectors across the globe will gather together to share their insights on a wide spectrum of issues from facilitating access to justice through international instruments and diversified dispute resolution mechanisms, promoting the rule of law for sustainability, to latest LawTech developments on digital assets along the Belt and Road and in the international arena.

Join us to grasp the current and future trends in the legal landscape in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond!

Overview of Events

Hong Kong Legal Week 2022 schedule Asia-Pacific Private International Law Summit (APPILS) HCCH Conventions Supporting Transnational Litigation in Civil or Commercial Matters: A Workshop to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Generations in Arbitration Conference Workshop on ASEAN Online Dispute Resolution: <br>ODR in Facilitating Cross-Border Trade and Investment for ASEAN and Hong Kong Businesses Hong Kong Mediation Lecture 2022 : Confidentiality and Privilege in Court-Annexed and Court-Based Mediations The Law Society of Hong Kong's 5<sup>th</sup> Belt and Road Conference Rule of Law Congress: Rule of Law and Justice for All
Event Calendar
7 November 2022, Monday
Asia-Pacific Private International Law Summit (APPILS)
Time (HK Time) : 9:00 - 17:00
Venue : N201, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Language : English (with simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua and Cantonese)
Mode : Hybrid
CPD Points : 6 CPD points will be accredited
ALE Points : 1 General ALE Point will be accredited
Co-organizer :
Supporting Organisations :
Video Highlight:

Time (HK Time)
09:00 - 09:30
Welcoming Speeches

09:30 - 11:00
Facilitating Access to Credit in the Asia-Pacific Region: International Instruments Supporting Asset-based Financing, Supply Chain Finance and Leasing


11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:45
Providing Legal Clarity for Emerging Technologies: Digital Assets and Private Law


12:45 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
Bridging the Gap in Insolvency Legal Architecture (e.g. UNIDROIT’s Project on Guidance for Bank Insolvency Proceedings)


15:30 - 15:45
15:45 - 16:45
Into the Future: Strengthening Engagement in the Asia-Pacific Region


16:45 - 17:00
Closing Speech

8 November 2022, Tuesday
HCCH Conventions Supporting Transnational Litigation in Civil or Commercial Matters: A Workshop to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Time (HK Time) : 9:00 - 12:45
Venue : N201, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Language : English (with simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua and Cantonese)
Mode : Hybrid
CPD Points : 3.5 CPD points will be accredited
ALE Points : 1 General ALE Point will be accredited
Supporting Organisations :
Video Highlight:

Time (HK Time)
09:00 - 09:30
Welcome Remarks & Opening

09:30 - 09:45
ROAP: Milestones and Look Ahead

09:45 - 11:00
Panel I: Co-operation as a Means to Support Transnational Litigation


11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:30
Panel II: Legal Certainty and Predictability as a Means to Support Transnational Litigation


12:30 - 12:45
Closing Remarks

Generations in Arbitration Conference
Time (HK Time) : 14:00 - 17:00
Venue : N201, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Language : English
Mode : Hybrid
CPD Points : Being applied for
Organizers :
Video Highlight:

Time (HK Time)
14:00 - 14:15
Welcome Remarks & Opening

14:15 - 15:30
Panel 1: Developments in the APAC Region: Why Asia Remains an Ideal Place to Resolve Cross-Border Disputes
With the COVID Pandemic nearing its end and the world returning to a new sense of normal, cross-border disputes continue to be on the rise. While COVID halted travel and various other aspects of life both professionally and personally, a number of initiatives and development developed and continued to improve. Such initiatives and developments occurred within the international arbitration communities, in particular in the APAC region. Tune in to the first panel of the Third Edition of the Generations in Arbitration – Hong Kong Legal Week, where prominent members of the international arbitration community will discuss select innovations and developments in the APAC region to further enhance Asia as an ideal place to resolve cross-border disputes. Topics include developments in third party funding, success fees, and innovations strengthening the APAC region as a place for parties to resolve cross-border disputes, in particular those involving Asian entities.


15:30 - 15:45
15:45 - 17:00
Panel 2: To Exclude or Not to Exclude the CISG: the Pros and Cons of having the CISG Govern Your Cross-Border Relationship
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Act ("CISG") is arguably one of the most successful treaties of the UN with 95 countries, as of the date of this publication, who have ratified the CISG. In spite of this success, it is common to hear from parties that they purposely exclude the CISG from their international sale of goods contracts. In spite of this alleged common knowledge, there are a significant number of cases worldwide where the governing law is the CISG. Please join our second panel of the GIA: Hong Kong Legal Week Edition, who will discuss the good and the bad of the CISG from all perspectives: from the party itself, external legal counsel, and experts on the topic of the CISG. This panel will give a practical perspective of whether or not parties should include the CISG.


9 November 2022, Wednesday
Workshop on ASEAN Online Dispute Resolution:
ODR in Facilitating Cross-Border Trade and Investment for ASEAN and Hong Kong Businesses
Time (HK Time) : 10:00 - 16:40
Venue : N201, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Language : English (with simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua and Cantonese)
Mode : Hybrid
CPD Points : 4.5 CPD points will be accredited
ALE Points : 1 General ALE Point will be accredited
Supporting Organisations :
Video Highlight:

Time (HK Time)
10:00 - 10:10
Opening Remarks

10:10 - 10:30
Keynote Speech

10:30 - 11:30
Session 1: Role of ODR in successful conduct of E-Commerce & Cross Border Trade
To discuss the importance of ODR systems for the trusted development of e-commerce and how ODR platforms can benefit MSMEs by expanding their markets and establishing trusted relationships with consumers in the ASEAN region
Experience sharing of ODR successes and challenges for dispute resolution and consumer redress mechanisms in cross-border digital trade


11:30 - 11:45
11:45 - 12:45
Session 2: International Instruments for Contract Enforcement and ODR
To explore the role of international legal instruments and international dispute resolution enforcement framework and ODR (e.g. UNIDROIT principles of international commercial contracts, New York Convention, Singapore Convention on Mediation, HCCH Judgments Convention)


12:45 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15
Session 3: ASEAN Guidelines on ODR & Experience sharing from ODR Providers
To explore the key considerations and criteria for setting up or strengthening ODR systems, with reference to AMS, in the aspects of:
data security & privacy, legal & procedural requirements
regional & international cooperation
challenges & solutions
ODR Platform Demonstration


15:15 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:30
Session 4: Encouraging Greater Participation in ODR & Capacity Building
Building an improved legal environment for MSMEs (including contract enforcement, digitalization)
Business-led mechanisms and trust-enabling benefits for consumers
To discuss how different stakeholders (public entities, private ODR providers, legal practitioners etc.) can work to encourage greater participation in ODR and capacity building


16:30 - 16:40
Closing Remarks

Hong Kong Mediation Lecture 2022 : Confidentiality and Privilege in Court-Annexed and Court-Based Mediations
Time (HK Time) : 18:00 - 20:00
Venue : Herbert Smith Freehills
Language : English
Mode : Hybrid
CPD Points : Being applied for
Video Highlight:

Time (HK Time)
18:00 - 18:45
Registration and Cocktail Reception
18:45 - 20:00

10 November 2022, Thursday
The Law Society of Hong Kong's 5th Belt and Road Conference
Time (HK Time) : 09:00 – 17:45
Venue : N201, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Language : English (with simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua and Cantonese)
Mode : Hybrid
CPD Points : 6 CPD points will be accredited
Supporting Organisations :
Video Highlight:

Time (HK Time)
09:00 - 09:50
Opening Ceremony
Welcome Remarks

Opening Addresses

09:50 - 10:00
Group Photos
10:00 - 10:20
10:20 - 11:35
Regulating the Metaverse
Session 1 - What kind of metaverse do we wish to build and share along the Belt and Road?
The panel discussion will focus on ethics, law, harmony, cultural exchange, data privacy/sovereignty and portability, protection of young people, creating opportunities, breaking platform monopolies.


11:35 - 11:50
11:50 - 13:05
Regulating the Metaverse
Session 2 - How do we protect the metaverse and digital space from online falsehood, defamation, and misinformation in the metaverse and digital space?
The panel discussion will focus on legal reforms and developments in the metaverse and digital space, and giving us a reality check on the state of cyber-crime, defamation and misinformation, and ways and means to maintain a fair, open and honest metaverse and digital space.


13:15 - 14:30
Lunch (for invited guests only)
14:45 - 16:00
Money on the Belt and Road
Session 3 - Towards a new "global currency" to reduce barriers to trade?
Is there and should there be new “global curreny(ies)” to facilitate international trade? Come and explore whether we can increase trade along countries that are part of the Belt and Road Initiative as we discuss the deployment, development, opportunities and challenges of designating/using a new global currency, and the role and use of cryptos, digital currencies, DeFi, DAOs and blockchain technologies.


16:00 - 16:15
16:15 - 17:30
Money on the Belt and Road
Session 4 - How do we deal with currency, payment issues and digital assets in negotiating and enforcing contracts?
Some people have their new digital identity and persona which they use to interact and do business in the cyberworld. Are there tax, security, data privacy, law enforcement or ethical considerations, and if things go wrong, do we lean on Smart Contracts and are there ways to resolve NFT drop mishaps or breach/flaw of whitepapers? Do digital currencies need a central issuer? What are the practical issues faced by professionals around the world in dealing with currency, payment issues and digital assets in negotiating and enforcing contracts?


17:30 - 17:45
Closing Remarks

11 November 2022, Friday
Rule of Law Congress: Rule of Law and Justice for All
Time (HK Time) : 09:00 – 17:30
Venue : N201, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Language : English and Cantonese (with simultaneous interpretation in English, Putonghua and Cantonese)
Mode : Hybrid
CPD Points : 6 CPD points will be accredited
ALE Points : 1 General ALE Point will be accredited
Hong Kong Mediation Centre : 6 CPD Points will be accredited
Supporting Organisations :
Video Highlight:

Time (HK Time)
09:00 - 09:45
Opening Remarks

09:45 - 10:15
Keynote Speech – Rule of Law for Sustainable Development

10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
Panel Session I :
The Rule of Law : A Bedrock for Success for All Sectors
The rule of law has always been the bedrock of Hong Kong's success and is of utmost importance to the future of Hong Kong. It is also a value cherished by most in Hong Kong while Hong Kong has all along been ranked high in the rule of law, outperforming many other advanced economies. Renowned speakers of this panel will share their experiences and thoughts regarding how the rule of law in Hong Kong enables their respective sectors to flourish, and how each and everyone of us can contribute to safeguarding the rule of law in Hong Kong.


12:00 - 14:00
LUNCH (for invited guests)

Luncheon Talk:
14:00 - 15:30
Panel Session II :
Access to Justice for All : Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanism
Every citizens should be provided with equal access to justice under the law, and be provided with affordable, effective and timely legal and dispute resolution services, thereby fostering inclusive growth and reduce inequality in our society. A diversified dispute resolution mechanism is essential for ensuring inclusive and equal access to justice to members of the public, which also enables citizens to resolve disputes among themselves in a timely and cost-efficient manner. This Panel discusses the Hong Kong experience in the development of a diversified and comprehensive dispute resolution mechanism, and its future trend.


15:30 - 15:45
15:45 - 17:15
Panel Session III :
Community Commitment to The Rule of Law: The Role to Play of Our Younger Generation
Rule of law and justice are not concepts exclusive to a few but to each and everyone of us in the community. For the rule of law to thrive, it is vital to engage and reach out to members of the public, especially our younger generation. This Panel discusses how to better involve and mobilise the younger generation to take a more proactive role in promoting the proper understanding and practice of the rule of law among our community.


17:15 - 17:30
Closing Remarks